Things to Know About Arizona Defensive Driving and Traffic Driving School

Arizona Defensive Driving School

Arizona Defensive Driving School

If you have received a civil traffic ticket, you have three options.

1) Pay the fine and plead responsible;

2) Plead not responsible and set the case for a civil traffic hearing; or

3) Take Defensive Driving School

Arizona allows drivers to take Defensive Driving School once every twelve months.

Here are just a few of the facts you need to know regarding Arizona defensive driving school.

All About Arizona Defensive Driving School 

Arizona's defensive driving school is roughly a four-hour class designed to teach drivers the skills of safe driving.

If this course is completed, an eligible traffic citation, violation or speeding charge may be dismissed without further consequences to the driver.

As such, these courses can be an excellent way to enhance the safety of yourself and others while also avoiding fines and points on your license.

Benefits of Arizona's defensive driving school include:

  • A dismissal of the moving violation

  • The avoidance of license points accrual

  • Avoiding an increase in insurance premiums

  • Preventing a record of a driving charge such as speeding

  • The ability to avoid a license suspension if you have already accrued too many points

However, these benefits are only possible for eligible drivers one time every 12 months.

The 12-month period is measured by the date of violation, and the deadline to complete a defensive driving course is 7 days before an Arizona court date.

Still, judges may be lenient and extend the deadline so that well-intentioned drivers can still have time to complete their defensive driving course.

However, it is wise to consult the help of an experienced Arizona attorney as soon as you receive a traffic citation or speeding charge.

That way, you will receive the timely advice needed to ensure deadlines of this nature are met.

Defensive Driving School Eligibility

To attend Arizona defensive driving courses, your violation must be found on the list of eligible violations for taking such a course.

Your attorney will be able to let you know whether your violation makes you eligible for driving school.

Additionally, when an Arizona violation occurred in an accident resulting in death or a serious injury, defensive driving school is not permitted.

Similarly, if a violation occurs at the time an Arizona driver holds a commercial driver’s license, the driver is not eligible for defensive driving.

An exception to this general rule is permitted when a driver surrendered their commercial license after the violation occurred.

Drivers are also permitted to attend Arizona defensive driving for only one eligible violation every 12 months.

If you have multiple eligible driving offenses, defensive driving school may be used to only dismiss one of the charges and/or violations.

For all remaining charges, drivers must either pay a fine, appear in court or request a hearing.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §28-3392(A)(2), criminal speeding convictions are avoidable through defensive driving school, but only at the judge's discretion.

An Arizona traffic violation lawyer will work to help you convince a judge that avoiding a conviction is the right decision based on your case's unique circumstances.

If you are eligible for defensive driving school in Arizona, you can find a certified school near you through the Arizona judicial branch website.

Once you know you are eligible for Arizona defensive driving school and find a nearby course, seek out the help of a qualified Arizona civil traffic attorney if you have not done so already.

Seeking attorney representation can be the difference you need to avoid a conviction after attending defensive driving school.

The attorneys at Tyler Allen Law Firm are here to help. We've got the experience and the expertise needed to help you at every step of your legal process.

We know no two cases are exactly the same and we are dedicated to offering a level of service that suits your personal needs. Contact us today!