Is Burglary a Felony or a Misdemeanor in Arizona? [Infographic]

Burglary a felony or misdemeanor in Arizona

Burglary a felony or misdemeanor in Arizona

While there are three different classifications of burglary under Arizona law, each is considered a felony.

However, the type of burglary charge will determine which Class of felony it is.

First Class Burglary A.R.S. §13-1508

Second or third degree burglary charges are elevated to first degree burglary charges if they are committed with the use of a deadly weapon.

These charges will be considered either Class 2 or 3 felonies, depending on where the burglary was committed.

Second Class Burglary A.R.S. §13-1507

Second degree burglary charges are when someone enters or remains in or on a residential structure with the intent to commit theft or other felony.

These charges are considered a Class 3 Felony.

Third Class Burglary A.R.S. §13-1506

Third degree burglary charges include when someone enters or remains in or on a non-residential structure OR if they unlawfully gain entry to any part of a vehicle using burglary tools with the intent to commit theft or other felony.

Burglary charges of any class are serious.

It’s important that you have an experienced, reliable Arizona Burglary Attorney on your side.

The criminal defense attorneys at Tyler Allen Law Firm are here to help. Contact us online or call us at (602) 456-0545.